New ESA Website

Ольга Куценко

Шановні колеги! Вітаю! Нижче інформація для розміщення на наших сайтах та читання: новий випуск е-журналу The European Sociologist про європейську кризу у зв’язку з війною в Україні.

А також посилання на новий веб-сайт Європейської соціологічної асоціації.


О. Куценко

New ESA Website

Dear ESA members,

I am delighted to announce the launching of the new European Sociological Association website.

This is an initiative taken unanimously by the ESA Executive Committee to respond to the association’s present and future needs. You will see that the website has a new design making it easier to read and navigate. The website also has an improved correspondence system, making communication with the RNs members simpler. In addition, it integrates a new voting tool to use for elections and other consultation initiatives. It will perfectly integrate with Conftool, the platform used for abstract submission for the ESA Conference. These tools will allow more efficiency and integration of tasks and make our initiatives more efficient, while saving resources from the association. We hope that you feel yourselves at home in this new digital room.

In order to access the member space for the first time, you will need to click on Member logging/Forgot password? Once your password has been reset, you will be able to access and manage your information.

In the upcoming weeks, we will be uploading some content that is not yet available on the website. However, it’s possible to access your private area and read the new issue of our e-magazine The European Sociologist here.

If you have any questions, please contact the ESA Office.


Best wishes,


Lígia Ferro

ESA President

